I stumbled into my thirties in debt, unhappy in my job and comfort-spending every time I needed a boost. Every pay day, I watched a huge chunk of my salary disappear to pay off money I had already spent. It was a miserable cycle.

It wasn’t always this way. As a teacher, my salary was never high, but I had come from a home that valued regular savings and I had previously considered myself good with money. Moving to Dubai changed all that as I opened my first credit card and applied for a loan to fund trips abroad and shopping splurges.

Turning thirty was a huge wake-up call for me and I set a target to be debt free by my next birthday. Although it was painful, I mapped out short-term goals, started to study the habits of financially successful , and set a strict budget.

By the end of that year, I had paid off my debt, started investing in my long-term future and was well on my way to financial independence.

It wasn’t easy, and I made mistakes along the way. That is why, with Fearless Girl Finance, I am here to show you how to take control of your own finances and to let go of fear where money is concerned. Because fearless finances translate into a full and fearless life.